Barcelona is universal and clean wordpress template suitable for anything you need. You can use our custom admin panel and themebox for comfortable customization of template settings. Fill our beautiful template with your elegant content and your clients will be satisfied.


Slider section


[box-title align=“left“]



  • Categorizable Items
  • Global Settings
  • Local Settings
  • Available on Any Page
  • Multilingual Ready

[/one_fourth] [one_fourth]

Service Boxes section


[box-title align=“left“]



  • Categorizable Items
  • Global Settings
  • Local Settings
  • Multilingual Ready
  • Available on Any Page

[/one_fourth] [one_fourth]

Footer Widgets


[box-title align=“left“]



  • Custom width for 6 cols
  • Background Color & Pattern
  • Colorpickers for text, links
  • Multilingual ready
  • Not Orderable Section

[/one_fourth] [one_fourth_last]

Sidebar Settings


[box-title align=“left“]



  • Featured Image Location
  • Small Slider Available
  • Sidebar Widgets
  • Available on Any Page
  • Disabled in Fullwidth




Barcelona WordPress Theme can be used for:

Hotel & hospitality, restaurant, real estate, marketing company, blog, cms, portfolio website, software & computer sales, information technology, travel & tourism, solicitors, car business, music industry, food & drinks, human resources and personal relations organizations, school, university and college websites, science, magazine & community websites, blog and many more.
[/three_fourth] [one_fourth_last]

[button title=“THEME SUPPORT“ link=““ description=““ width=“100%“ version=““ position=““ bgcolor=“#333333″ color=“#ffffff“]

[button title=“BUY NOW!“ link=““ description=““ width=“100%“ version=““ position=““ bgcolor=“#9bb7b1″ color=“#ffffff“]